Saturday, June 20, 2015

10 Video Games that could use a Remake

There are tons of great games out there. Especially the ones that have fallen off the band wagon. I guess another way you can put it are games that have been out of commission for a while. They need to be remade! So I’m here to list ten games that were good back in the day, but has become or starting become a distant memory.

10. Double Dragon

You remember this title screen don't you?
Now everyone knows about this title. It’s about as famous as Street fighter or Mario Bros. The very simple story of two brothers out to save a young woman from a vicious gang, resonated through the hearts and minds of thousands of gamers for years.

Burnov on his back! Complements of the Lee Brothers!
 And although some of the sequels were hits and misses, the fact remains that we enjoyed them. This is on my number ten slot because I hear that they are remaking the series. Hopefully it won’t be in the too distant future.

9. Golden Axe

One of the first Hack'n'Slash fantasy titles.
 In a world where the majority of medieval fantasy games are RPGs, reminiscing about Golden Axe is always refreshing. The quintessential hack and slash side scrolling fantasy was a favorite amongst hardcore gamers.

Ax Battler battles evil beast in the wilderness.
Which raises the question, how come they haven’t made more in recent years? Oh that’s right, in 2008, a new title was released. But it was panned, so who cares! Not to mention, that the game came out almost ten years and one console ago. I would like to see what they could do on a next generation console. To get a straight forward fantasy game rather than a RPG for a change would be interesting to see.

8. Fatal Fury

It must return!
In all honesty, I believe this game series should’ve been called Street Fighter. Think about it! The majority of the stages are on the street or in an ally, the main character looks like he brawls everyday on the mean streets of his city, and the look was more gritty. But that’s my opinion.

Terry delivers a mean Burning Knuckle to his father's murderer.
This franchise has been on a 15 year hiatus, skipping two consoles. With the new generation on the rise, Fatal Fury could make a strong comeback. Retelling the Bogard brothers and their friend Joe adventures through South Town while taking on its toughest opponents. I’d also be pretty excited to see how it would look in 2.5 d.

7. Streets of Rage

Axel, Blaze, Adam prepared for battle.
    Like most beat’em ups from the 80’ and 90’, Streets of Rage has gone into obscurity. The adventure of the hard hitting Axel Stone, the sultry Blaze Fielding, and dumb strong Adam Hunter kick’n the crap out of Mohawk wearing, knife wielding thugs was all the “RAGE” when it came out.

Tube top clad, mini-skirt wearing Blaze slashes a banger in a neon lit alley.
But since the third installment, not much has been done with the series. And since there has been a lack of beat’em ups recently, maybe this could be a fresh start to reviving an old genre.

6. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs  

Opening title to a great game.
    I know what you’re thinking, NOT ANOTHER BEAT’EM UP! Yes another beat’em up. Capcom’s 1993 side scrolling beat 'em up arcade game, brought a very unique spin to a genre that typically consisted of running around beating up street thugs. Instead of just fighting human badies, the players also had to face off against the crazed inhabitants of the treacherous terrain.

Jack Jump kicks the opposition!
In addition to breaking bad guys skulls with crushing moves, the player was also able to participate in machine gun wielding action. Which was typically rare in beat-em up side scrollers at the time. Sounds fun right!? So someone do us a favor and bring it back Okay!

5. World Heroes

In big and bold letters.
    This classic fighter was a refreshing take on the genre. I’ll admit, various elements copied Street Fighter’s formula. But it also had a personality of it’s own. For one, the player could pick a regular stage to fight on or (if you were feeling dangerous) you could select the death match stage. Here, the stage was rigged with deadly contraptions, such as mines on the ground or spikes on the wall.

Imagine smashing into this wall!
    Another distinct aspect of the game are the characters which were loosely based on historical figures both past and present. Which makes this one of the first fighting games to successfully do this. It has been about good 20 years since they’ve released a new title. Perhaps the nostalgia bug will make someone refurnish this title from long ago.
4. Nightmare Creatures

Now this is an opening that gives ya chills!
    With all the BS control mechanics aside, this was a solid title. With a scary gothic atmosphere and scarier monsters, this hack’n’slash classic received two installments in the late 90‘s and earlier 2000‘s.

Ignatius Blackward takes on a crazed beast on the dark streets of London!
Even though both installment received mixed reviews, I think a renewal of the franchise would be an awesome feat. Especially if the programmers of Devil May Cry or Dante's Inferno take the helm, this game would be a contending title. Hopefully, someone will come to their senses and recreate this gothic horror title.

3. King of Fighters

KOF come back! Please!
    Here we go! Another fighter right? Well this is the King of Fighter! Right? And for a game that prided itself on coming out every year, its kind of ironic that a new title hasn’t come out in several years.

Iori and Ralf duke it out in one of the later incarnation of the series.

Which really kinda sucks, because this is one fighting game that always had your favorite old characters while bringing interesting new faces with great moves. I would love to see how SNK renews this series. Especially if they do it in 2.5 d or make it fast pace like X-Men VS Street Fighter.

2. Samurai Shodown

Nice Sword title?
    The original hack’n’slash versus fighter. Before The Last Blade or The Soul Series there was Samurai Shodown! Yeah, that’s right, I put the title in bold letters. Why? Because it’s bold. Or was bold! (However, I always wondered why they never spelled showdown right.) Whoever would’ve thought a game about people hacking each other up would’ve had such an impact? Especially when you consider a game like Time Killers (a game in a similar fashion to Samurai Shodown and World Heroes), which obviously wasn’t the most successful title on the planet.

Haohmaru the hotblooded samurai vs Hanzo Hattori the mightiest ninja: Two of the best!
Not to mention, this is one of the first fighters that had a cohesive storyline. But, after Samurai Shodown: Sen, SNK never released any new titles. After five years of being absent, maybe it’s time for a little renewal. How about it SNK, are ya game?

1. Castlevania

Castlevania: The one and only
    Okay, I know as of recently, Koji Igarashi (the distinguished developer of this great franchise) has come out to say that he is creating a successor. That’s great! Truly! But I want Castlevania gosh darn it! Yeah I’m sure Bloodstained is gonna be cool and all. But, let me ask you something. Will it have the Vampire Killer? Crosses and holy water? The Belmonts? Dracula? Everything that makes Castlevania what it is? NO! Or more accurately, probably not. And after the disappointment of the last game, it’s time for a new start.

Simon Belmont, the Vampire Killer, and some soon to be very re-dead zombies.
    Someone could retell the original Simon Belmont’s story with the same nostalgic elements from the first game, while giving it a fresh look. And even though Lords of Shadow 2 supposed to have had more of a God of War or Dante’s Inferno combat system, it really lagged in my opinion. I would love to see them go all the way. A fast pace, bone crushing, brutal head stomping, torso tearing Belmont for the masses would be great!

    Well, this is my 10 Video Games that could use a Remake list. If you agree, disagree, or think there should be more games on this list, please leave a comment, or two, or three, or however many you like! Thank You!

P.S. Feel free to read my other blogs as well!

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