Saturday, June 20, 2015

10 Video Games that could use a Remake

There are tons of great games out there. Especially the ones that have fallen off the band wagon. I guess another way you can put it are games that have been out of commission for a while. They need to be remade! So I’m here to list ten games that were good back in the day, but has become or starting become a distant memory.

10. Double Dragon

You remember this title screen don't you?
Now everyone knows about this title. It’s about as famous as Street fighter or Mario Bros. The very simple story of two brothers out to save a young woman from a vicious gang, resonated through the hearts and minds of thousands of gamers for years.

Burnov on his back! Complements of the Lee Brothers!
 And although some of the sequels were hits and misses, the fact remains that we enjoyed them. This is on my number ten slot because I hear that they are remaking the series. Hopefully it won’t be in the too distant future.

9. Golden Axe

One of the first Hack'n'Slash fantasy titles.
 In a world where the majority of medieval fantasy games are RPGs, reminiscing about Golden Axe is always refreshing. The quintessential hack and slash side scrolling fantasy was a favorite amongst hardcore gamers.

Ax Battler battles evil beast in the wilderness.
Which raises the question, how come they haven’t made more in recent years? Oh that’s right, in 2008, a new title was released. But it was panned, so who cares! Not to mention, that the game came out almost ten years and one console ago. I would like to see what they could do on a next generation console. To get a straight forward fantasy game rather than a RPG for a change would be interesting to see.

8. Fatal Fury

It must return!
In all honesty, I believe this game series should’ve been called Street Fighter. Think about it! The majority of the stages are on the street or in an ally, the main character looks like he brawls everyday on the mean streets of his city, and the look was more gritty. But that’s my opinion.

Terry delivers a mean Burning Knuckle to his father's murderer.
This franchise has been on a 15 year hiatus, skipping two consoles. With the new generation on the rise, Fatal Fury could make a strong comeback. Retelling the Bogard brothers and their friend Joe adventures through South Town while taking on its toughest opponents. I’d also be pretty excited to see how it would look in 2.5 d.

7. Streets of Rage

Axel, Blaze, Adam prepared for battle.
    Like most beat’em ups from the 80’ and 90’, Streets of Rage has gone into obscurity. The adventure of the hard hitting Axel Stone, the sultry Blaze Fielding, and dumb strong Adam Hunter kick’n the crap out of Mohawk wearing, knife wielding thugs was all the “RAGE” when it came out.

Tube top clad, mini-skirt wearing Blaze slashes a banger in a neon lit alley.
But since the third installment, not much has been done with the series. And since there has been a lack of beat’em ups recently, maybe this could be a fresh start to reviving an old genre.

6. Cadillacs and Dinosaurs  

Opening title to a great game.
    I know what you’re thinking, NOT ANOTHER BEAT’EM UP! Yes another beat’em up. Capcom’s 1993 side scrolling beat 'em up arcade game, brought a very unique spin to a genre that typically consisted of running around beating up street thugs. Instead of just fighting human badies, the players also had to face off against the crazed inhabitants of the treacherous terrain.

Jack Jump kicks the opposition!
In addition to breaking bad guys skulls with crushing moves, the player was also able to participate in machine gun wielding action. Which was typically rare in beat-em up side scrollers at the time. Sounds fun right!? So someone do us a favor and bring it back Okay!

5. World Heroes

In big and bold letters.
    This classic fighter was a refreshing take on the genre. I’ll admit, various elements copied Street Fighter’s formula. But it also had a personality of it’s own. For one, the player could pick a regular stage to fight on or (if you were feeling dangerous) you could select the death match stage. Here, the stage was rigged with deadly contraptions, such as mines on the ground or spikes on the wall.

Imagine smashing into this wall!
    Another distinct aspect of the game are the characters which were loosely based on historical figures both past and present. Which makes this one of the first fighting games to successfully do this. It has been about good 20 years since they’ve released a new title. Perhaps the nostalgia bug will make someone refurnish this title from long ago.
4. Nightmare Creatures

Now this is an opening that gives ya chills!
    With all the BS control mechanics aside, this was a solid title. With a scary gothic atmosphere and scarier monsters, this hack’n’slash classic received two installments in the late 90‘s and earlier 2000‘s.

Ignatius Blackward takes on a crazed beast on the dark streets of London!
Even though both installment received mixed reviews, I think a renewal of the franchise would be an awesome feat. Especially if the programmers of Devil May Cry or Dante's Inferno take the helm, this game would be a contending title. Hopefully, someone will come to their senses and recreate this gothic horror title.

3. King of Fighters

KOF come back! Please!
    Here we go! Another fighter right? Well this is the King of Fighter! Right? And for a game that prided itself on coming out every year, its kind of ironic that a new title hasn’t come out in several years.

Iori and Ralf duke it out in one of the later incarnation of the series.

Which really kinda sucks, because this is one fighting game that always had your favorite old characters while bringing interesting new faces with great moves. I would love to see how SNK renews this series. Especially if they do it in 2.5 d or make it fast pace like X-Men VS Street Fighter.

2. Samurai Shodown

Nice Sword title?
    The original hack’n’slash versus fighter. Before The Last Blade or The Soul Series there was Samurai Shodown! Yeah, that’s right, I put the title in bold letters. Why? Because it’s bold. Or was bold! (However, I always wondered why they never spelled showdown right.) Whoever would’ve thought a game about people hacking each other up would’ve had such an impact? Especially when you consider a game like Time Killers (a game in a similar fashion to Samurai Shodown and World Heroes), which obviously wasn’t the most successful title on the planet.

Haohmaru the hotblooded samurai vs Hanzo Hattori the mightiest ninja: Two of the best!
Not to mention, this is one of the first fighters that had a cohesive storyline. But, after Samurai Shodown: Sen, SNK never released any new titles. After five years of being absent, maybe it’s time for a little renewal. How about it SNK, are ya game?

1. Castlevania

Castlevania: The one and only
    Okay, I know as of recently, Koji Igarashi (the distinguished developer of this great franchise) has come out to say that he is creating a successor. That’s great! Truly! But I want Castlevania gosh darn it! Yeah I’m sure Bloodstained is gonna be cool and all. But, let me ask you something. Will it have the Vampire Killer? Crosses and holy water? The Belmonts? Dracula? Everything that makes Castlevania what it is? NO! Or more accurately, probably not. And after the disappointment of the last game, it’s time for a new start.

Simon Belmont, the Vampire Killer, and some soon to be very re-dead zombies.
    Someone could retell the original Simon Belmont’s story with the same nostalgic elements from the first game, while giving it a fresh look. And even though Lords of Shadow 2 supposed to have had more of a God of War or Dante’s Inferno combat system, it really lagged in my opinion. I would love to see them go all the way. A fast pace, bone crushing, brutal head stomping, torso tearing Belmont for the masses would be great!

    Well, this is my 10 Video Games that could use a Remake list. If you agree, disagree, or think there should be more games on this list, please leave a comment, or two, or three, or however many you like! Thank You!

P.S. Feel free to read my other blogs as well!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Can't Hardly Wait! Not a Bad Teen Film!

  The good old 90's produced a few memorable things. Cartoon Network, one of the worse Batman movies ever created, and a president that we finally caught in lie. It also created several teen comedies. Some ranged from light hearted romantic comedy to outright farces. But my favorite teen comedy has to be Can't Hardly Wait! Granted it's not as successful as hits like Dazed and Confused or Clueless. And to be honest, I don't know out why! It has cheesy 90's references, descent writing, and a cast so colorful, even Skittles would get a little jealous. So sit down and listen, as I talk about Can't Hardly Wait! Time to get busy!

  The plot focus on your average, everyday high school teenager Preston Myers (Ethan Embry) and his quest to finally give his love letter to his dream girl Amanda Beckett (Jennifer Love Hewitt) at a graduation party, who is also the most popular girl in school as well as just getting dump by her boyfriend, the obnoxious Mike Dexter (Peter Facinelli). Throughout the night, a series of quirky and hilarious events occur involving a slew of other characters with personalities that are just as crazy. (Especially Seth Green, who plays the insanely funny Kenny Fisher). On top of it all, there are a twist and turns in the movie that enhances the excitement. And although the ending is pretty predictable, it is still satisfying and to an extent pretty funny. To be honest, this was always the kind of party I wanted to rock out to.

Lets start with the Pros:
  • As stated earlier, very funny. Several laugh out loud moments.
  • Descent acting. Not Oscar worthy, but believable.
  • Creative introductions of characters.
  • Likable characters (for the most part).
  • Descent serious moments, never over dramatic but believable!
  • The majority of the people who were major and minor characters moved on to become stars (if not already).
  • Most of the characters interact with each other in hilarious ways.
There are a few Cons though:
  • Not too much character development (But hey! What do you expect! It's a teen comedy).
  • We never get to see what is written in Preston's letter.
  • The way Amanda receives the letter is funny, but a little too coincidental and convenient.
  • Some parts were awkward, boring, or drawn out way too long!
  • Preston Myers (unfortunately) is the most boring character in the film.
And this post is a Wrap!:
   Can't Hardly Wait! is one of my all time favorite comedies. And although it does have its weaknesses, I actually consider them to be nitpicks, as opposed to actual problems with the film. If I do have one complaint, it has to do with Preston and his best friends blandness (which I talk about in the cons section) which makes them almost forgettable. It's a shame too, because I think they are good actors. Besides that, I could watch this movie again and again. I would like to see a sequel or remake in the future though (even if it is a straight to DVD release). With that being said, its 101 minutes of entertaining 90's teen fun!

And if you like what you've read, please leave a comment, or two, or three, or however many you like! Thank You!

P.S. Feel free to read my other blogs as well!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

   Harley Quinn: What the Heck   

                   is Happening to Ya?

Harley Quinn: Why are they trying to change your look?

   Unlike several people on this planet, I’m cool with clowns. The wigs, the noses, the makeup, the goofy outfits. they're all fine with me. Female clowns (white face preferably) are my favorite. One of my most cherished female clowns (from about the age of six) is Harley Quinn. That’s right! The Joker’s main squeeze. Yeah she's crazy. Sure she's bubbly. But that's what makes her so great! Not to mention the fact that she is drop dead gorgeous. 
   I always admired the original Batman: The Animated Series Harley Quinn. Her beautiful curvaceous figure. Her skintight jester ad. The black mask over her blue eyes. That pretty white face. Those big old black glossy lips. My goodness! Ladies, get off the runway! Harley’s coming down. Okay! Maybe I‘m going overboard. But man was she alluring!
   Not only was her body pleasing. Harley was vivacious. And whether she was putting in work for “Mista J” or performing her own misdeeds, Harley always had a big smile and an innocent sense of humor. Which brings us to the familiar saying. If it aint broke, don’t fix it! Why? Despite the obvious reason, if you try to fix something that isn't broke, you can possibly break it and make it worse! Case in point, the various transformations of Harley Quinn. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And although other developers attempt to create a better or different Harleys, none of them has hit the note that the original has. She’s gone from looking like a graceful, charming, pulchritudinous harlequin jester to (in my opinion) a disgusting, revolting, drug addicted streetwalker.
   In recent years, we've received several portrayals of Harley. Ergo, I will address the ones that stands out to me the most. Stemming from her best incarnations, to her worst. So let us begin, shall we.

Hands Down: the Best!

The Beautiful, Sexy, Mischievous. Miss Harley Quinn! The way I like her!
   This is it! Harley in all of her luminous glory. Big seductive smile! Skin tight jester uniform. Gorgeous curvaceous figure. (Sigh!). The original Harley Quinn. This version first hit the scene in Batman: The Animated Series, making her first appearance in the episode “Joker's Favor.” Although she was only meant to play a small role within this particular episode, Harley Quinn became a huge fan favorite and the Joker’s top henchwoman. Moreover, becoming a regular adversary within the Batman universe.
   I can’t speak for the rest of the world, but her charm and beauty is what stoked my attention. Which is why I don’t have close to a clue as to why they just couldn't leave well enough alone. Granted, there are some cute portrayals in her future manifestations. However, none of them hit the note like the original.

Hello Nurse Harley!

Every nurse should dress like this!
    Along with sporting a cool design, this Harley Quinn is pretty hot. The portrayal of Harley Quinn as a nurse in Arkham Asylum is pretty clever. (Especially after hearing stories about how several asylum nurses and staff are abusive to the patients). Despite her drastic change, several of her original aspects stayed the same. She still retains her silly quirky personality. Her white face and the mask over her eyes is still apparent (although I don’t care for several alteration of her facial features). And her sultry body continue to stir me.
   Again, Harley’s new design add some cleverness to the clownish look of the character. The purple and red covering a good portion of her outfit, as well as her platform boots stands out the most to me. However, the downfall is that she doesn't really look like a harlequin. (Which is what her name is supposed to suggest.) When all said and done, that’s what we should get. To be honest, I don't think it would have been difficult to create a harlequin style nurse uniform. But compared to several of her other renditions on the list, she’s definitely worth mentioning as one of the best.

A Little Whale Tail Anyone?

What a tease!
   I have to admit, when I played through the story line of Injustice: Gods Among Us, I thought to myself, “this is one of the best depictions of Harley Quinn.” We are given a classic yet fresher look. First, she is given a tight motorcycle type outfit. In addition, she's topped with a white beat up tank top that has an image reminiscence of the joker promo to the Dark Knight. And yes, she does have a nice whale tale!

A combination of both the old and the new.
   Although there are several changes to her outfit, she kept her white and black make up that we all love (or at least I do) and her cool blonde pigtails. In addition, she keeps red and black on her outfit. It isn't as creative as “Nurse Harley.” On the other hand, it has more Harley Quinn features. Again, I think some of her facial features are underdone and aren't as perky. Not to mention, this outfit lacks the harlequin look too. Maybe they could have given her a jester hat or something. But, None the less, it's still has a cute design. Unlike her original look they gave her (but we‘ll get into that a little later).

On one side you have a red pigtail… On the other a blue!

She looks more vampiric than clownish !
  This is where things start to go down hill for me. Needless to say, the New 52 Harley Quinn is a drastic change from the previous ones that I have on the list. And to me, the most plane. Only a few things about this renditions of Harley really satisfy me. For one, I like the comma like shape over her eyes. As well as, the ruffle collar around her neck! Also, having one pigtail blue and and the other red was kind of neat.
   But that’s not good enough to carry her over the hump. It seems the designers went for quantity instead of quality. I guess they thought more skin and cleavage was their best bet. I’m here to say “They were wrong!” Instead of giving her a cute clownish or sexy harlequin outfit, she’s given a smuttier gunslinger girl design. 
   Which points out my biggest problem with her design: She rarely retains any clownish features. She's given up much of her jester appearance, and has adopted a more ghoulish or vampiric look. Don’t get me wrong! I don't mind seeing Harley in a corset if it was done right. But it needs to be done right! Granted, it's colorful and goes with the rest of her look, but that not good enough. She‘s still pretty bland. 
   What made Harley Quinn work so well is her congruency to the Joker. Although she had psychopathic tendencies, she was softer and to an extent nicer. Not to mention, she had a clown like appearance that was all her own. Like I stated earlier, with the exception of certain things that I have pointed out, (which is also the most clownish part of her) Harley’s New 52 look scarcely has anything to do with a harlequin jester. By the way! That ridiculous cape doesn't help.

Out of the Asylum and into the City

Now you're not even trying!
   I’m not going to lie to you. I never liked this design because there's nothing memorable about her. I understand that Arkham City is this beat down, gritty, dirty environment. Got it! But there's nothing clownish or remotely recognizable about her look. Was it so hard to make her a little clowny. A goofy nose or a painted clown muzzle around her mouth. A silly hat. Something!? The only thing resembling Harley Quinn are her colors and pigtails. I guess the creators thought covering her face with a slight shade of white mascara, smeared eye shadow, and red lipstick would look more clownish. Sorry but, it doesn't. Not to mention, her face is not very pretty. Why didn't they keep her look from the previous game? Especially given the fact that the Joker is sick. It would make sense for him to have nurse Harley sitting on his lap.
   Fine! Have a grimier, biker version of Harley. But if you do, make her more like the Injustice insurgency outfit that I mentioned earlier. This is how she looks without her outfit, (because she's not wearing it of course) which takes away from her character. Because the add is, in my opinion, 75% of her. The way they butchered her is the equivalent of having a Batman with no cape and cowl. And instead of having a bat suit, he wears a bullet proof vest, a pair of black jeans, and a baseball cap with a bat symbol on it. People would freak.     
   There’s nothing pleasing out about this Harley to me. I reiterate, Arkham City’s Harley Quinn is a pretty lazy, unappealing design. I've seen cosplay girls make this design look better. She is a far far cry from her cool and original look, if you ask me. It's sad, because in the game the Joker is the one dying. However, Harley looks worse than he does!

Nice Ad! And...That's about it!

Is this supposed to be Harley!?
   To be honest, this is one of the best Harley Quinn outfits that I have seen. There's a  genuine feminine harlequin look. It’s subtle, but sexy. Not to mention, the brilliant use of colors and designs in her outfit is a refreshing take on her. Another thing that I like is her hair. It reminds me of one of the only good things I find to come out the New 52 Harley Quinn design. 
   So you’re probably wondering why she’s at the bottom of the list. Well, how do I put it?… She’s ugly! Hideous! This Harley Quinn looks like a dirty, smelly, disgusting, crack whore! Although she’s wearing the white face pain and the mask, her facial structure is so unattractive.

Nice hammer though Harley! Even if you are ugly!
    They should have used the face of the insurgency Harley (check out the segment, A Little Whale Tail Anyone? above) for both the insurgency and her original outfit. Even though she has several of her old characteristics (such as poking out her tongue, using a big hammer, making silly remarks) I can’t get past her physique. The could have given her some more curves or something. Like I said, her physical appearance, is what matters most to me! Whoever thought she was attractive in this game needs a reality check. I think the creators just sat down and lazily picked the first design they made. The reason I say this? A lot of the concept art was more inspiring and attractive than this model. I'm so disillusioned 

Time to Wrap it Up Folks!

   Needless to say, Harley’s been receiving very poor makeovers in recent years. For some reason, people think that their designs are better than Paul Dini’s and Bruce Timm’s. Here’s a bit of news for ya! It’s not. So stop trying, okay! I understand that some things in life need improvement. But Harley isn't one of them. I just hope that in the future we get a better looking Harleen Quinzel or revert back to the old her. 

Mm, those plump luscious lips! Give her a kiss Puddin'!
   I’m mean, doesn't Harley look so sweet in this picture. If Joker wasn't standing there, I’d give those big black succulent lips a big wet kiss. Please change her back! We need our old Harley. You can't beat the best. And if you haven't figured it out yet, Batman: The Animated Series Harley Quinn is the best. Yes, the nurse version is sexy. The insurgency Harley is gorgeous. However, the bottom line is that The Animated Series Harley is number one. 
   Lastly, if anyone’s reading this post, who do you think would make a good Harley Quinn in a live action movie or television show besides Kristen Bell? My pics are Lindy Booth, Viva Bianca, Minka Kelly, or Arielle Kebbel. 

And if you like what you've read, please leave a comment, or two, or three, or however many you like! Thank You!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Maury Povich: Does his Show Send Mixed Messages?


PATERNITY TEST are not the only scandalous episodes on Maury!

   It’s needless to say that Maury or The Maury Show, is one of the biggest and longest running shows on daytime television. Part of the show’s longevity is due in part to his primary niche. THE PATERNITY TEST! Over the years, Maury has solidified himself as the king of the talk show paternity test. And we know it’s impossible to deny seeing one of his shows dedicated to a group of poor young women trying to figure their baby daddies are for the sixteenth time. And its not hard to figure out that most of his viewers like this kind of drama. That’s fine!
   However, once in a good while, he'll have a show on dealing with a different topic. Some of these other shows messages, in my opinion, are misleading. Primarily the shows dealing with people who were unattractive or geeks and are now knockouts. You've seen an episodes like this. Usually the title is something like, “I used to be a geek, now I’m sheek!” In my opinion, given the type of guests who appear on stage, I think this is an appropriate title for the episode. “I used to be a geek, but now I’m a freak!”
I think someone made a  mistake with this title. 
   The so-called former geeks or ugly ducklings come on the show, having grown up to become very provocative strippers and porn stars. Don’t get me wrong! Some of the former geeks grew up to become your standard run-of-the-mill models. Which is okay! And I have to admit. Some of them have grown up to become not only beautiful, but classy as well. Yet, that’s few and far. Not to mention, the majority of these guest still have personal hang-ups and insecurities.

Are these geeks really sheek?

   Ordinarily, a former geeks primary purpose is  to reveal to some jerk who used to treat him or her like Oscar the Grouch, that he or she is no longer a despicable dork. That’s hilarious isn't? That some individuals want to show some loser from ten, sometimes twenty years prior, how significant they are.
Now Michelle, if only for a moment, lets think this through. Does this joker really look like he's worth getting snazzy for?
   Shouldn't they feel significant already? In my opinion, tracking someone down to show them his or her self worth is a bit unnecessary. That’s like me going to some of my old classmates and confronting them about how much of a success I have become, in addition to how they used to treat me.
   My obvious verdict: that would be a waste of good time. Even if I did, no one would care if I was successful. In fact, they’d probably hate me even more. Not to mention that I have more important things to do than trying to impress some ignoramus I should care less about. How absurdly pointless!
  It's amazes me how these people are still miserable because of what some idiot said or did to them years prior. Which means that they have never disbarred the silly remarks made about them years prior. Ergo, the geeks are just as much of a loser as the bullies. Even though they appear to have overcome the torment, the wounded feelings are still there.
   I understand if a person desires to display his or her capacity to overcome a tough time. But one doesn't have to track people down or come on national television to say “Hey, I’m a winner now.” Wouldn't living a positive life display your success anyway?

Now, it’s time to call a spade a spade!

   Like I said earlier, there are a few geeks that are attractive to me. But I have to say, about 90% of are nothing but a bunch of floozies.That's what they are okay. No? Then answer me this. How will growing up to become the town’s slut (be it male or female) proves that you have outdone some washed up jock that's working at your local Odd Job retailer? (By the way, wouldn't it be ecstatic if a former geek brought someone in from his or her past and they still behaved like a jerk? That’s happened a few times now that I think of it!) I reiterate, several of the geeks and ugly ducklings (like the one in the picture below) grew up to become very attractive as well as respectable. But even some of them dress extremely provocative.
Model Andrea Perez: Before and After

Is there a bit of hypocrisy in “I Use To Be A Geek” episodes?

   This is where the title of this blog becomes most relevant! I’m sure we all have our opinions of strippers and porn stars, but I think it’s safe to say that the bulk of society does not inspire to take off their clothes on stage or engage in sexual activities for a living. Not now, not ever! Or at least…I hope not ever!
That's right Maury! Cover up that 14-year-old future stripper!
   However, from one time or another, I’m sure you've seen an episodes dealing with wild and crazy teen girls. (By the way, is it me, or does anybody find it sort of creepy that a 74-year-old man has been surrounding himself with a bunch of underage girls for the last 15 years? How come he never has any wild teen boys on his stage! Teenage boys have problems too Maury! What? Are they just way too extreme for the show?) Several of these scantly clad teenage women aspire to become strippers and/or porn stars. Am I right?
She wants to be a stripper and porn star. Maury  is not feeling this. Wait! What?
   Ironically, Maury berates them for wanting to pursue these kind of professions. Wait a minute! I'm confused. Let’s get this straight Maury! You're trying to tell us that it’s okay to become an adult entertainer or exotic dancer if you were geeky, unattractive, and had about as much self-esteem as Ugly Betty, but obscene if you‘re an out of control adolescent. Are the wild teens visiting the show, too extreme for the pole or porn? The message is a bit confusing.
   Moreover, several of the wild teens that come on his show have low self-esteem. Don’t they? I thought that Maury would encourage their future aspirations. I guess in order for Maury to give his consent towards people in the porno business, a person must be the recipient of pain and torment as opposed to giving it.
   Also note that Maury never questions some of the former geeks about their professions. Questions relating to whether or not these individuals are truly happy and proud of what they do. Or questions pertaining to how long the former ugly ducklings plan to stay in their given professions. He just seems to go along with their behavior.
As you can see, he just goes along with it!
   Bringing me precisely to another point of confusion! Does Maury candidly think that attractive but shallow people are the only ones who make inspiring role models? Ugly ducklings turning into beautiful swans is a terrific phenomenon. Got it! But, is beauty the only thing that matter? It‘s no secret that an individual’s success is measured by more than his or her outward appearance.

Bubble-heads and Bimbos

Matt! You're still smitten. O' girl didn't give you the time of day. I thought you were smarter!
   Maybe it’s myth, but I thought geeks and nerds were supposed to be somewhat intelligent! However, if you examine the ones on his show, well… they're kinda half-baked. I don’t know! Maybe they’re just acting idiotic and dumb. Then again, I don’t think you need a big brain when you're making  a living taking off your clothes.
   Occasionally, Maury introduces some nerdy teenager (usually a girl) to the show. This individual consist of low self-esteem, sad teary eyes, and a homely look. (your basic hackneyed dork) and gives them a make over. Afterwards, they look and act like the same idiotic former geeks that are on the show.
   Listen, we don’t need to add another shallow, dimwitted, sleazy guest to the collection. On top of it all, they make it seem like the only way he or she can accommodates any worth is by getting a tacky, physical make over. Sending this message to geeks or nerds is sad when you think about it.
  As long as an individual change their outward appearance, his or her confidence will grow? I don‘t buy it! If that’s the case, how come several of the lapse geeks need Maury to help them confess his or her feelings towards their secret crush? True confidence comes from within!

So this is my point! 

   There are several former geeks, nerds, and dorks who were tormented. However, they didn't all grow up to become professional peelers or adult entertainers. Why not bring other kinds of successful former dorks and nerds on the show? Like people who were teased but are now best selling authors, lucrative business men, or affluent doctors. I don’t think successful former geeks with descent occupations are difficult to find. And as far as I can tell, they're just as interesting. I know they're more interesting than some of those slutty swans on the show. I'm sure I'm not alone on this view.
   Now I know I've been ranting much on this subject. And to your shock, I’m not saying that Maury shouldn't bring a porn star or a stripper on the show every once in a while. But not all of the time!? The majority of the guess we see should consist of a variety of interesting occupations. Let me ask this question. How many people want their tormented child to become a porn star or exotic dancers? Because, believe it or not there are children watching “I used to be a geek” episodes. And telling them that it’s cool to be a stripper is influencing young geeks and nerds! Start bringing other professionals on the show Maury!

So I guess it’s time to conclude this post right? 

   Listen, I’m sure Maury is a great guy. And given his lastingness, he’s certainly an intelligent guy. Outdoing many tabloid talk show such as Geraldo, The Phil Donahue Show, The Montel Williams Show, and Jenny Jones. However, his producers as well as himself must modify the way success and prestige is presented. Not to mention, if he is supportive of individuals with exotic occupations, then he must go all the way. There’s a bit of hypocrisy when he chastises the teenage girl who wants to expose her body in a nude way. I get it, they’re underage. But, instead of scolding them for it, why not encourage them to become porn stars or strippers when they get older? Maybe, he doesn't want to look like a creepy old man.Then again, who knows? Finally, can he start having more shows on other than baby mama dramas!?

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